Where each Child,

is an Individual

At Simply Out Of School we know that all children are different. Our services extend from Breakfast Clubs to After School and Holiday Clubs, all designed for children over 3 years of age.

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About Simply Out of School

At Simply Out Of School we know that all children are different, so we have developed systems which allow our trained staff to meet the needs of all the children who come to us. Our support services extend from Breakfast Clubs to After School and Holiday Clubs, all designed for children over 3 years of age.

The Future of Children

Government guidelines indicate that, very soon, all schools will be obliged to offer Before and After School Club facilities. The need for these facilities has been brought about by the desire of the Government to meet the ever changing needs of society in the 21st Century. With so many parents now working, it is becoming more and more difficult to find quality care services that offer the degree of flexibility or proximity to school that parents and children require. Most are a compromise and are not the real answer to modern day families needs

Simply Out of School has been created to fill the gap and is now operating Clubs under franchise licence to ensure the same high standard exists at every ‘Simply Out of School’ club.


What we offer

Breakfast Clubs

a healthy and safe start to the day

The best start to the day

Open at 7.00am or 8.00am, we offer a healthy breakfast of cereal or porridge, boiled egg, toast, milk or squash, fruit and yoghurt. A variety of activities are available for the children before we escort them to their meeting points at school.


After School Clubs

feel reassured that your children are safe and having fun

Goodbye the "School Run"

Come and see more information on our fun, welcoming and professional after school clubs! We collect the children from school and take them to the club where they can play freely with their friends or choose from a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, sports, and much more....  The Club offers a child centred environment meeting the social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional needs of children and recognising the individual needs of each child who attends. Our after school club have a range of opening times depending on the venue, please get in touch for more information

Holiday Clubs

fun-packed, exciting days, with a whole host of different activities

Stress-free School Holidays

We provide a FULL DAY (8am – 6pm) every day we are open. Should you need to collect later than 6pm, please ask our franchisee – wherever possible we go out of our way to help you. We provide ALL MEALS, SNACKS AND DRINKS – FOR THE WHOLE DAY! Most holiday clubs request you bring a packed lunch, they don’t serve breakfast, a hot meal for lunch, a substantial, healthy tea and snacks.


Creche Facilities

at weddings and events – tailored to your requirements

Stress-free School Holidays

In the past we have very successfully provided a crèche facilities for the Cowbridge Food & Drink Festival and are able to offer this kind of service to organised events throughout South Wales. We also provide a unique and totally flexible childcare service at weddings and events.

What your child will get from us

Focused Support

Our dedicated staff focus their support to each child's needs


Tailored Support

Individual special needs catered for


Life Value Tutoring

The real world made fun


Accompanied Travel

Your child will always be safely escorted to and from school

What parents say about us

Staff are professional and caring and we would have no hesitation in recommending your After School facilities.

Thank you for all your hard work and support, our son thoroughly enjoys being with you.

Our children have attended two of the After School Clubs and the Holiday Clubs and we are delighted with the provision. The service offered is outstanding.

Are you looking for more information?

Why not contact us to find out a bit more about what we can offer you. 

admin@simplyoutofschool.co.uk | 01656 372910